1 Year of Stitches / Embroidery

A “One Year of Stitches” Project as Seen Through One Embroiderer’s Hoop

1 Year of Stitches project by Michelle Anais Beaulieu-Morgan

Last week, I pre­sent­ed a chal­lenge for 2017, and I’m hop­ing you’ll join me! The project is called 1 Year of Stitch­es, and it’s a 365-day project in which you fill a hoop (or two) with a crazy amount of col­ors, pat­terns, and stitch­es. 1 Year of Stitch­es is the brain­child of Han­nah Claire Somerville, who has invit­ed any­one inter­est­ed to join in this impres­sive endeav­or. Inspired by her work, Michelle Anais Beaulieu-Mor­gan embarked on this craft jour­ney in mid-2016. Now, she’s about halfway through (you can start at any time of the year).

Here’s a smat­ter­ing of the stitch­es she’s cre­at­ed since beginning—and she’s in the midst of start­ing a sec­ond hoop! The first one fea­tures a vari­ety of col­ors and fea­ture a vari­ety of sub­jects woven togeth­er through abstract pat­terns. Look close­ly and you’ll see flow­ers, ves­sel, and even a strange hand. I love this approach, and it’s prob­a­bly a direc­tion I’ll go come 2017.

Michelle’s hoop demon­strates that 1 Year of Stitch­es is a frame­work, and you fig­ure out where your embroi­dery will go.

1 Year of Stitches project by Michelle Anais Beaulieu-Morgan