Artist / Drawing

Amanda Gehin

I am sor­ry for the delayed post today! My brain is cur­rent­ly work­ing at half capac­i­ty, as I am suf­fer­ing from a nasty sinus infec­tion. Have you ever popped your ear and it’s made your jaw ache? I have, last night. Not fun. 

Enough with my whin­ing. Onward! Aman­da Gehin describes her­self a fan­ta­sy archi­tec­ture engi­neer work­ing in goauche. Aman­da’s use of col­or and media, in addi­tion to her back­ground, give these pieces a unique feel. They have, simul­ta­ne­ous­ly, a feel­ing of a patch­work quilt and a 8‑bit video game. 

I real­ly enjoy how Aman­da has designed these pieces.The bricks, stair pat­terns, and rugs give these paint­ings a Tetris-like move­ment to me. 

All images via Flickr.

Dining Room

Chevrons Surging From H House

Rabbit Folding into Skull Tree

2:02 with Sunset

Impossible Door