
Noa Snir’s Gorgeous Illustrations Teeter on the Edge of Strangness

noa snir

When I was read­ing about illus­tra­tor Noa Snir on her web­site, she men­tioned that she enjoys all things illus­trat­ed. “Just about any­thing that can serve as an excuse to sit down and draw long into the night,” is how she put it. I love that sen­ti­ment! I am some­one who goes to bed ear­ly, but still.

Noa’s illus­tra­tions teeter on the edge of strange­ness. Many of them are very col­or­ful and include gor­geous flower arrange­ments cou­pled with lus­cious land­scapes. But, with that beau­ty comes sev­ered heads, lone­li­ness, and pools of blood. I find this both intrigu­ing and alarm­ing, and ulti­mate­ly enjoy how not every­thing is so sac­cha­rine. See more (NSFW) illus­tra­tions on Noa’s Flickr.

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