Lately & Liked

Friday Round Up: 12 Wonderful Angular Things

Today it’s angles all over the place. Light­ing fix­tures, desk cad­dies, illus­tra­tions, and more. This type of design is real­ly ver­sa­tile and looks good in many dif­fer­ent appli­ca­tions. No won­der it remains so pop­u­lar; Mary Blair (below) was work­ing with geo­met­ric shapes back in the mid-20th century.

As always, hap­py Fri­day! And, to my US read­ers — have a great long weekend!

PS: Sep­tem­ber 1 — 5 is CERAMICS week on Brown Paper Bag. All that week I’ll fea­ture my favorite beau­ti­ful break­ables.


Sketch Desk Tidy

Check out Kristin’s new cloth­ing and acces­sories line, too!