Lately & Liked

Friday Roundup: 15 Ways to Say “Happy Birthday!”

Fun fact: This com­ing Tues­day (Sep­tem­ber 23) is my birth­day! To cel­e­brate, I’m head­ing to New York this week­end where I’ll snarf down a piece of Crack Pie at Momo­foku Milk Bar, among oth­er things. (Fol­low me on Insta­gram to see it all: @brwnpaperbag).

So, it feels appro­pri­ate for this Fri­day Roundup to revolve around birth­day cards. Not just for me, of course, but that spe­cial per­son in your life.

Farewell Paperie. (I actually am a twin!)

Farewell Paperie. (I actu­al­ly am a twin!)

I guess it’s safe to say I like ani­mals and flowers.