Illustration / Lately & Liked

Friday Roundup: Illustrations I’ve Seen Lately and Liked

Today’s Fri­day round includes illus­tra­tions that I’ve seen late­ly and liked. They’ve been liked on my Tum­blr or repinned by me on Pin­ter­est. Either way, they’ve stayed in my brain.

There’s so much great stuff on the inter­webs. I wish I could share every­thing I find! So, here’s a lit­tle sam­pling. Enjoy and have a love­ly weekend!

Also: Píc­co­lo, a small busi­ness I have with my friend Lisa, has jump­start­ed our blog. We have an excit­ing new fea­ture, Pic­ture Par­ty, that cel­e­brates illus­trat­ed prod­ucts! Fol­low us on Tum­blr for twice-week­ly awesomeness.