Illustrated products

My 7 Weekly Illustrated Product Obsessions


1. Zara Woman Print Dress by Sil­via Stel­la Osella
2. Cutie Baby Porce­lain Mug by Tues­day Bassen
3. “I Do as I Please” Jum­bo Pouch by Martha Rich for Blue Q
4. White Duck by Furze Chan
5. Yel­low Wolf by Miri­am Brugmann
6. Eye Ear­rings by Erin Diane
7. Jun­gle Leaves Pen­cil Set by Papio Press

East coast­ers (in the US), are you ready for the bliz­zard?! I live in Baltimore—where up to 2 feet of snow is forecasted—so I’m gear­ing up for a week­end indoors. Hot cocoa, anyone?

Ear­li­er this week, I shared a list of 50 illus­tra­tive enam­el pins. Check it out to get your #pingame on point!