Illustrated products

My Weekly 7 Illustrated Product Obsessions

Illustrated Product Obsessions, July 29

1. Pret­zel Share Neck­lace by Rachel Pfef­fer Designs
2. Wood­land Bird Pouch by The Blue Rab­bit House
3. Free as a Bird Enam­el Pin by Frolik
4. Wink­ing Eye Pil­low­cas­es by Pink Top
5. Menagerie Oven Mitt by Don­na Wilson
6. House­plant the Idea Glass Set by Modcloth
7. Hid­den Drag­on Top by Gorman

I don’t have much to say because I’m cur­rent­ly watch­ing Stranger Things and I need to know what hap­pened to Barb. Have a good week­end, everyone!