Illustrated products

My Weekly 7 Illustrated Product Obsessions


1.  Leather Clutch Bag by boo+boo factory
2. Hand-Paint­ed Girl Plate by Pret­ty Lit­tle Thieves
3. Geo Block Book­mark by Dowse
4. Stoneware ghosts by Stu­dio Arhoj (sold by Dowse)
5. Blos­som Flap Back­pack by BagyBag
6. Hap­py Ceram­ic Sug­ar Dish by Beardbangs
7. Flocked Dog Brooch by Sal­ly Haysom (sold at Howkapow)

Hap­py Fri­day! In case you missed my tweet about it, Mal­lo­ry over at Gems recent­ly shared some beau­ti­ful­ly illus­trat­ed books, includ­ing one of her own: Here Kit­ty Kit­ty. As the title sug­gests, it fea­tures an impec­ca­bly curat­ed series of cat illustrations.


Here are some oth­ers. Aren’t they love­ly? (See the full list!)




One last thing: next Mon­day, I’m send­ing out my month­ly newslet­ter! I’ve recent­ly revamped it and added some fun fea­tures. Sub­scribe here!