Illustrated products

My Weekly 7 Illustrated Product Obsessions (+ My Skillshare Class!)


1 // Birds Tea Tow­el by Dinara Mirtalipova
2 // Hand paint­ed ceram­ic brooches by Lind­say Grime
3 // Ceram­ic Donuts Plates by Yel­low Tree (via So Super Awe­some)
4 // Small Ceram­ic Plates by KATA KATA for UGUiSU Online
5 // Mid­night Feast Scarf by Karen Mabon for Howkapow
6 // All See­ing Eye Amulet by Mud Puppy
7 // Epher­ma Pouch by Dots + Loop

Hap­py Fri­day, as always! It seems like I’ve been admir­ing the Birds Tea Tow­el (#1) by Dinara for­ev­er now… I should prob­a­bly just buy it! What are you obsess­ing over this week? Let me know in the comments.

And one last (impor­tant) thing…


I’m teach­ing a Skill­share class about cre­at­ing a cut-paper self por­trait! If you have ever want­ed to learn col­lage tech­niques or know how I cre­ate cut-paper por­traits, now is the time. Enroll here! Every­one, no mat­ter their skill lev­el is welcome.

If you’re not famil­iar with what Skill­share is, it’s an awe­some site where you can learn dif­fer­ent sub­jects, focused on things like design, pho­tog­ra­phy, film, food, and so much more. The cours­es are all taught via video, and you go at your own pace. At the end of every class, you com­plete the class project and upload it to share with your fel­low class­mates. Fun, huh?