
Katy Horan’s Dark, Folk-Inspired Paintings

Katy Horan

The illus­tra­tive paint­ings of Katy Horan are moody. Paint­ed on dark back­grounds, the artist illu­mi­nates her sub­jects with sub­dued greens, reds, and blues. Their nar­ra­tives exam­ine the role of women through­out his­to­ry and mythol­o­gy; They depict death, loss, fear, and the super­nat­ur­al. “Most recent­ly,” Horan writes, “My research has focused on folk super­sti­tions and witch tales from the Ozark and Appalachi­an regions.”

If you find your­self in the Bay area, you can see Horan’s work at the LeQui­V­ive Gallery in Oak­land. She’s one half of a two-per­son show with Kather­ine Rut­ter titled For the Sake of Being(s). It’s on view until March 29th.

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