
Gig Posters by Landland

Landland - Gig PostersLand­land is the Mid­west-based cre­ative duo Dan Black & Jes­si­ca Sea­mans. As you can see, they illus­trate and design beau­ti­ful gig posters. These works are metic­u­lous in their detail and are screen print­ed in lim­it­ed edition.

The bands they design for fit their aes­thet­ic. For instance, Edward Sharpe and the Mag­net­ic Zeros has a very warm, lo-fi sound. Much like the band, Land­land’s work cel­e­brates hand draw­ing and an ana­log way of work­ing. It looks appro­pri­ate­ly aged, but still very contemporary.

In addi­tion to their stu­dio, Dan and Jes­si­ca also start­ed Land­land Is Not A Record Label, which is exact­ly what it sounds. While they aren’t a record label, they do have a small fac­tion of their busi­ness ded­i­cat­ed to  the whole process of get­ting or mak­ing record­ings, send­ing them off, press­ing vinyl, design­ing and print­ing pack­ag­ing, and assem­bling all of it.

You can buy every­thing in their online shop. H/T to Per­rin for turn­ing me on to these guys.

Landland - Gig Posters Landland - Gig Posters Landland - Gig Posters Landland - Gig Posters Landland - Gig Posters Landland - Gig Posters Landland - Gig Posters