Drawing / Illustration / Painting

Laura Knight’s Elegant Ink Drawings of Staffordshire Figures

laura knight

I post­ed the above illus­tra­tion on my Insta­gram (@brwnpaperbag) recent­ly, but I like it so much that I had to share it here. British graph­ic artist Lau­ra Knight paint­ed these por­traits that are inspired by Stafford­shire Fig­ures, a pop­u­lar tchotchke for some­one to have in their home.

I’m famil­iar with these types of things after hav­ing vis­it­ed many antique stores with my moth­er and woo­ing over them. Lau­ra explains their appeal to the blog Spi­tial­fields Life. “They were on everybody’s mantle­piece and everybody’s dress­er. They are a vivid back­ground, deep in our mem­o­ries of home. There wasn’t a kitchen with­out a piece of wil­low pat­tern or a mantle­piece with­out a piece of Stafford­shire,” she says.

Do you/did you have any­thing like these fig­ures grow­ing up?

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