Animation / Illustration

Paper Flowers and Fantastic Beasts Fit for Film

lila poppins

Lila Pop­pins is an illus­tra­tor and paper design­er who uses her tal­ents to cre­ate fan­tas­tic beasts, love­ly blooms, out­door scenes, and much more. In addi­tion to sculpt­ing with paper, she also directs stop motion films. Lila’s Tum­blr fea­tures a few of these ani­mat­ed snip­pets, one of which is a com­bi­na­tion of paper and 2D illus­tra­tion. The film is an illus­trat­ed French poem writ­ten by Jacques Pre­vert and avail­able to view on Vimeo (I’ve also includ­ed it below).

And, just a note: illus­tra­tor Clé­ment De Ruyter is the per­son behind the char­ac­ter design of this crea­ture. (Lila did the paper work, obviously!)

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