
Intimate Interior Illustrations of Rooms Around the World

Illustrated interiors by Liz Rowland
Melbourne, Australia

Have I ever told ya’ll how much I love inte­ri­or illus­tra­tions? Because I do—they’re fas­ci­nat­ing! You can learn so much about a per­son from the objects they own. It’s why I’m drawn to the illus­trat­ed homes of Liz Row­land. Sim­ply called Inte­ri­ors, they fea­ture “small scenes from around the world.” There’s a win­dow and a plant in Mex­i­co, sun­flow­ers in Lon­don, and a messy desk in Mel­bourne. Each has arti­facts telling us about the per­son who inhab­its the space, done in a style that recalls the great Jonas Wood.

Inte­ri­ors is the result of Liz’s adven­tures. “In 2015 I left quit my job and left the U.K. to do some trav­el­ing,” she tells me. “I had­n’t paint­ed for 4 years and I was deter­mined to get back into it. In May 2016 I arrived in Aus­tralia with a back­pack full of sketch­books eager to get a fresh port­fo­lio togeth­er.” Now, she is based in Mel­bourne and cre­ates illus­tra­tions in gouache.

Liz sells a selec­tion of her prints in her online shop.

Illustrated interiors by Liz Rowland

London, England

Illustrated interiors by Liz Rowland


Illustrated interiors by Liz Rowland


Illustrated interiors by Liz Rowland

London, England

Illustrated interiors by Liz Rowland


Illustrated interiors by Liz Rowland

Melbourne, Australia

Illustrated interiors by Liz Rowland

London, England
Illustrated interiors by Liz Rowland