
Louise Weaver’s Crocheted Budgies Wear Fabulous Camouflage

Louise Weaver

I think pom poms are com­ing back (because I just saw a cool look­ing DIY on Pin­ter­est). Or are they already back? Prob­a­bly the lat­ter, because Aus­tralian-based artist Louise Weaver was putting them on fake birds years ago (around 2009).

Like Kar­ley Feaver’s assem­blage taxi­der­mied birds, Weaver adds adorn­ment to the stuffed bud­gies. She cro­chets rain­bow-col­ored coats and adds sequins to their plumage. She talks with  about the ideas behind the work, which pri­mar­i­ly cen­ters around trans­for­ma­tion. Not just phys­i­cal­ly, but through mim­ic­ry and tak­ing on the aspects of what’s around it. Cam­ou­flage, how­ev­er fab­u­lous it may be.

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