
Mari Kanstad Johnsen’s Hyperbolic Illustrations

Mari Kanstad JohnsenCol­or­ful and hyper­bol­ic are two words I’d used to describe the illus­tra­tion of Mari Kanstad Johnsen. Her exag­ger­at­ed fig­ures grace chil­dren’s books, edi­to­r­i­al illus­tra­tion, as well as comics and animation.

I real­ly enjoy when she com­bines the hand paint­ed (like tex­tures) with her dig­i­tal illus­tra­tions. The com­po­si­tions can get real­ly chaot­ic, but hav­ing the crisp edge of com­put­er-aid­ed col­or­ing helps to reel them in.

Also, I think the sto­ry of the giant dad and his tiny daugh­ter going ton adven­tures (top image and 3 below) is hilar­i­ous and endearing.

Mari Kanstad Johnsen Mari Kanstad Johnsen87 13 9Skjermbilde 2013-04-30 kl. 16.15.16mari