
Off Register” Tattoos Look Too Perfect to Be Created by Hand

Tattoo by Mattia Mambo

I look at a lot of tat­toos, and I haven’t seen a style quite like that of Mat­tia Mam­bo. The Milano-based artist cre­ates small pieces of body art that look like they’ve been dig­i­tal­ly pro­duced rather than one etched by hand. The bold lines and flat­tened shapes remind me of vec­tors in Adobe Illus­tra­tor, the ele­ments sit­ting off-reg­is­ter to give them an addi­tion­al screen-print­ed effect. They’re col­or­ful, engag­ing, and eye catching—my favorite are the flow­ers, but I’m also impressed by Mat­ti­a’s com­mit­ment to food!

Tattoo by Mattia Mambo

Tattoo by Mattia Mambo

Tattoo by Mattia Mambo

Tattoo by Mattia Mambo

Tattoo by Mattia Mambo

Tattoo by Mattia Mambo

Tattoo by Mattia Mambo

Tattoo by Mattia Mambo

Tattoo by Mattia Mambo

Tattoo by Mattia Mambo

Tattoo by Mattia Mambo