Paper Craft

Tiny Talisman are Pocket-Sized Paper Craft That Wish You Good Luck

Tiny talisman you can hold in your hand

Juli­ette Sallin, aka Gang of Frey­ja, is an illus­tra­tor and cut paper artist who works on a minia­ture scale. She’s recent­ly cre­at­ed a series of “pock­et tal­is­man,” which fea­ture styl­ized hands and paper flow­ers encased in small glass jars. The exquis­ite cre­ations are small enough to fit between two fingers—and put in your pock­et for good luck. “I like to think of my paper cuts as tiny trea­sures that reveal a secret we all car­ry deep inside,” she says. “[That] our innate rela­tion­ship with our world is light­heart­ed and sensuous.”

The Gang of Frey­ja has a spe­cial mean­ing to Juli­ette. “Accord­ing to the Norse mythol­o­gy,” she explains, “Frey­ja is the God­dess of Love and Beau­ty. Her mag­ic is deeply con­nect­ed to the nat­ur­al realm, like her coat made of fal­con feath­ers that allows her to fly wher­ev­er she wants, or her neck­lace made of gold and amber that makes her irre­sistible.” Con­tin­u­ing, “Frey­ja is for me the embod­i­ment of an enchant­ed liv­ing, con­nect­ed with the envi­ron­ment and the mag­ic that per­vades everything.”

Juli­ette sells her work through her online shop. As of now, how­ev­er, these tal­is­man are avail­able through pre­order on Insta­gram.

Juliette Sallin has crafted tiny talisman out of paper. Encased in bottles, they fit between your two fingers.

Tiny talisman you can hold in your hand

Tiny talisman you can hold in your hand

Tiny talisman you can hold in your hand

Paper art talisman

Paper art talisman

Tiny talisman you can hold in your hand

Paper art talisman

Tiny talisman you can hold in your hand

Tiny talisman made of cut paper

Tiny talisman made of cut paper

Tiny talisman made of cut paper