Illustrated products

My 7 Weekly Illustrated Product Obsessions


1. Cat Cush­ion by Guimo
2. Fox Wal­let by smallqueue
3. Embroi­dered Pothold­ers by Karen Barbé
4. Neon Pink Fake Watch by Mis­ako Mimoko
5. Jun­gle Alche­my Can­vas Foldover by Togeth­er­ness Design
6. Hand Embroi­dered Can­vas Moth Patch by Eri­ka Duran
7. Gold Hand Door Knob avail­able at Wait­ing On Martha

As I say every week, hap­py Fri­day! This week­end, I’m writ­ing my newslet­ter to send out on Mon­day. Are you a part of my mail­ing list yet? If not, please con­sid­er join­ing! It’s an exten­sion of my blog, but with bonus con­tent that appears only to email subscribers.

And before I leave you, here’s a bonus illus­trat­ed prod­uct. Tak­ing the adult col­or craze one step fur­ther is Jig­gle Ma Wig­gle, an Etsy shop that cre­ates an sells col­or-in wal­lets. Like this one!
