
Nancy Liang’s Rich Palette of Neutral Tones

Nancy Liang

Since yes­ter­day fea­tured some col­laged hous­es, why not con­tin­ue the trend? Nan­cy Liang is an Aus­tralian-based illus­tra­tor whose proves my the­o­ry that kraft paper is the best thing to draw on. I love how graphite looks on it, and Liang’s ges­tur­al marks add some seri­ous visu­al inter­est. Espe­cial­ly when you look at her squig­gly, out-of-con­trol shadows.

In addi­tion to draw­ing, I’m also dig­ging the col­or palette. Or, rather, lack there­of — there’s a rich com­bi­na­tion of neu­tral papers that illus­trate the strange (and not so strange) activ­i­ties that we do under a bright moon.

Nancy LiangNancy Liangmoon_Poster_Nancy_Liang_2014_o foreverForever_nancy_Liang_2014_o 01_theStrongMan_Nancy_Liang_2014_o

And final­ly, a col­or­ful illus­tra­tion by Liang: