Interview / Painting

Laura Berger’s Nude Paintings Are Part of an Artistic Soup

Nude Paintings by Laura Berger

There are some parts of one’s visu­al lan­guage that acts as the thread that ties years of work togeth­er. A style might shift, but a con­sis­tent ele­ment still remains. For artist and illus­tra­tor Lau­ra Berg­er, it’s nudes. For as long as I’ve been look­ing at her art, Lau­ra has always incor­po­rat­ed some form of the nude body—figures round and jovial, like they don’t have a care in the world. This visu­al main­stay has grown along side her as her col­or schemes change or explore an abstract world.

Her lat­est work is the result of a trip to Peru. “I went to Lima for a week on a trip for The Jaunt,” she tells me in an email. “They’re an orga­ni­za­tion that sends artists to dif­fer­ent loca­tions all over the world to seek out inspi­ra­tion and then cre­ate a lim­it­ed edi­tion screen print based on the trip.” Con­tin­u­ing, “[Peru is] such a cool place—ancient ruins in the mid­dle of the city right next to mod­ern glass high-rise build­ings. The food is amaz­ing, some of the best I’ve ever had.” Aside from the good eats, Lau­ra found the visu­al cul­ture inspir­ing. “I love look­ing at tex­tiles from dif­fer­ent cultures—the use of pat­tern, reflec­tion, and col­or has been a source of a lot of inspi­ra­tion for me.” In addi­tion to her paint­ings, Lau­ra has also cre­at­ed 3D fig­urines. “The pre-Colom­bian ceram­ics were also of huge inter­est to me, they were just incredible.”

Nude Painting by Laura Berger

So, how did this impact her nude paint­ings? Well, it’s a lot like a soup.

It’s always hard to pin­point exact­ly how inspi­ra­tional expe­ri­ences influ­ence one’s work but I believe it all has an impact. I think of this kind of like a soup—I think all of the expe­ri­ences, thoughts, feel­ings, visu­als (basi­cal­ly every­thing we take in) mix with our unique per­son­al­i­ties to cre­ate some­thing new. And of course that’s always shift­ing and chang­ing as we trans­form and grow. Evo­lu­tion with­in cre­ative work seems like a very grad­ual and nat­ur­al unfold­ing process and one that hap­pens with­out a lot of con­scious thought involved, at least for me.

I’m con­tin­u­al­ly in awe of how Lau­ra keeps her work look­ing new and excit­ing but also con­cep­tu­al­ly tight; she does­n’t stray too far from her charm­ing fig­ures, but she deliv­ers fresh work. If you’re look­ing for how to build your prac­tice or your career, she offers this advice that proves you can’t rush the cre­ative process:

Just keep mak­ing work and nev­er give up. Per­sis­tence is key to growth. And I think it’s extreme­ly wise to stop com­par­ing our­selves to oth­ers, but I say that with full acknowl­edge­ment of how dif­fi­cult that is to do!

Artist Laura Berger continually reinvents her nude paintings by getting a fresh perspective on the world. Her most recent paintings are inspired by a trip to Peru.

Nude Painting by Laura Berger

Nude Painting by Laura Berger

Nude Painting by Laura Berger

Nude Painting by Laura Berger

Nude Painting by Laura Berger

Nude Painting by Laura Berger

Nude Painting by Laura Berger