
Pip and Pop’s Peculiarly Adorable Candy-Colored Worlds

pip and pop pip and pop

These images are a bit of oldies, but are def­i­nite­ly good­ies. I’ve seen some great minia­ture art­works late­ly (like the those by Kendal Mur­ray), which remind­ed me of how much I enjoy Pip and Pop’s  (aka Nicole Andri­je­vic and Tanya Schultz) tiny, can­dy-col­ored scenes.

The Aus­tralian duo uses things like sug­ar, sand, glit­ter, arti­fi­cial plants, found objects, pipe clean­ers, wire, beads and more in their site-spe­cif­ic instal­la­tions. Of course, their mas­sive­ly minia­ture works look impres­sive from far away, but it’s the details that I love. Small char­ac­ters look as though they are tra­vers­ing land­scapes full of larg­er-than life flo­ra and uniden­ti­fi­able fun­gi. It’s all strange, yes, but makes me wish I could explore these places in real life.

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