
Prudence Flint & ‘Cut on the Cross’ Paintings

Prudence Flint - PaintingPru­dence Flint is an artist based in Mel­bourne, Aus­tralia. Her series of paint­ings titled Cut on the Cross detail her love of sewing and DIY projects. In a short cura­to­r­i­al essay about her work, Pru­dence states, “It’s like my sewing and knit­ting are very easy parts of my life – they sup­ply a relief to oth­er parts of my life that seem so com­plex and tricky and polit­i­cal.” I relate to this atti­tude. After a long day, I find embroi­dery a very relax­ing thing to do. It takes some skill, but isn’t over­ly com­pli­cat­ed and allows me time to think and focus.

The above paint­ing is what first attract­ed me to Pru­dence’s work. The fig­ures are elon­gat­ed, ele­gant, yet some­what car­toon­ish because of that. Her style of paint­ing and ren­der­ing gives visu­al weight to the paint­ing, and this is very satisfying.

All images via the Bett Gallery.

Prudence Flint - Painting Prudence Flint - Painting Prudence Flint - Painting Prudence Flint - Painting Prudence Flint - Painting Prudence Flint - Painting Prudence Flint - Painting