Illustrated products / Illustration

Aitch’s Folk-Inspired Florals Sewn in Beads on High-Fashion Frocks

Rami Kadi x Aitch

If you’re read this blog for any length of time you know that Aitch is one of my favorite illus­tra­tors. The folk-inspired images, clad in vibrant col­ors, feel both vin­tage yet con­tem­po­rary. Aitch’s work often exists as paint­ings, but with­in the last few years, she’s ven­tured into the world of fash­ion and col­lab­o­rat­ed with design­ers. Her most recent endeav­or is with Rami Kadi for his 2017 F/W col­lec­tion, and it show­cas­es her pat­terns like I’ve nev­er seen it before—intricate, sculp­tur­al bead­ing adorns her flo­rals. This tech­nique evokes the same feel­ing as her con­ven­tion­al illus­tra­tions, but infuse them with luxury.

Rami Kadi x Aitch

Rami Kadi x Aitch

Rami Kadi x Aitch

Rami Kadi x Aitch

Rami Kadi x Aitch

Rami Kadi x Aitch

Rami Kadi x Aitch

Rami Kadi x Aitch

Rami Kadi x Aitch

Rami Kadi x Aitch

Rami Kadi x Aitch

Rami Kadi x Aitch

Rami Kadi x Aitch