Craft / Embroidery / Sculpture

Embroidery Imbues Charming Personalities to Needle-Felted Stones

Felted rock art by Shu Ning Lim

I don’t often describe rocks as “cute,” but that’s exact­ly how I’d clas­si­fy Shu Ning Lim’s fiber art. A lover of peb­bles and stones, she cre­at­ed this col­lec­tion that’s inspired by the book Every­body Needs a Rock by Byrd Baylor.

For me,” Shu writes, they are some­thing I often pick up as sou­venirs from trav­els. I love how these nat­u­ral­ly occur­ring phe­nom­e­na are com­mon enough to be found any­where, yet each is unique in its own way.”

To pro­duce the tex­ture and vari­a­tion in sur­face cover—just like real rocks—Shu used embroi­dery and nee­dle felt­ing. “It is a way of trans­form­ing these ordi­nary rocks into pre­cious keep­sakes, while at the same time, the beau­ti­ful forms of the orig­i­nal bare rocks still shows through.”

Shu Ning Lim has created rock art that uses needle felting and embroidery to mimic the texture and coloring the stones—and give them charming personalities.

Felted rock art by Shu Ning Lim

Felted rock art by Shu Ning Lim

Felted rock art by Shu Ning Lim

Felted rock art by Shu Ning Lim

Felted rock art by Shu Ning Lim

Felted rock art by Shu Ning Lim

Felted rock art by Shu Ning Lim

Felted rock art by Shu Ning Lim

Felted rock art by Shu Ning Lim

Felted rock art by Shu Ning Lim

Felted rock art by Shu Ning Lim

Felted rock art by Shu Ning Lim

Felted rock art by Shu Ning Lim