
Sarah Green’s Illustrations of Dinosaurs and Tiny Men That Fix Your Hair

sarah green

Hap­py Mon­day! Here are some delight­ful­ly col­or­ful illus­tra­tions by Sarah Green. They fea­ture a lot of out­door scenes that are full of fox­es, bun­nies, and even dinosaurs. Occa­sion­al­ly, her images are strange and we see fan­tas­ti­cal two-head­ed dogs, a wom­an’s long hair full of scis­sors and combs, rab­bit that’s sad­dled up and ready to ride.

Green uses a lot of tex­ture in her work. It’s dig­i­tal­ly drawn, but she uses a vari­ety of paint brush­es to give vari­ety to her line work and a sketchy, rough qual­i­ty to each image.

sarah green Green_S_Lunch_4 belle-sebastian1hair_o Crop_o_1 As some­one who dis­likes mess­ing with their hair, this is a fan­ta­sy for me:1workers princess-copy_o_o 3rats_2_o