Illustration / Printmaking

Simon Cheadle


I’m not sure how I came across Simon Cheadle’s work, but I first pinned it because I liked the design of his lay­out. When I final­ly looked at his web­site, I dis­cov­ered he has cre­at­ed some pret­ty cool projects. Simon describes him­self as a design­er, illus­tra­tor, and print­mak­er whose work is not dic­tat­ed by per­son­al style. He writes, “…my work starts with an idea in accor­dance to the brief, with the medi­um and process that I use reflect­ing this concept.”

I per­son­al­ly love this approach, and so it’s no sur­prise that I real­ly enjoy Simon’s projects, sev­er­al of which are inter­ac­tive projects.

The fol­low­ing are some his projects, writ­ten by him on his web­site. (All images via his web­site, too!)

Make Mis­takes:An ongo­ing and inter­ac­tive project that explores the impor­tance of mak­ing mis­takes in the cre­ative process. Draw­ing tools that gen­er­ate mis­takes were designed and used to rein­ter­pret objects and ideas that are con­sid­ered per­fect. By then print­ing and man­u­fac­tur­ing the, these notions of per­fec­tion are pushed back into the realm of cre­ativ­i­ty and the imper­fec­tions of the object are celebrated.





Men­tal Block: ‘Usu­al­ly when I am stuck I either keep at it — think­ing of oth­er pos­si­bilites from oth­er per­spec­tives, flip­ping my ideas on their head, ques­tion­ing and scru­ti­n­is­ing the brief, chal­leng­ing the restric­tions of what is required, apply­ing the prop­er­ties of some­thing suc­cess­ful from anoth­er field to my prob­lem, ask­ing for advice from one of my friends, look­ing at anoth­er prob­lem I am try­ing to solve and see­ing if it applies well to my brief…or go for a beer.’



Note­book Cov­erA ver­sa­tile note­book cov­er that pro­motes per­son­al­i­sa­tion and every­day use based on the fact that a plain note­book can be used by every­one for any­thing. If, how­ev­er, the user decides not to adapt it, then it can be left as a dec­o­ra­tive pattern.



Also check out “How to be Great.”