
Sonia Poli’s Exquisite “Vegetal Gradiant” Paper Sculpture


This exquis­ite piece by illus­tra­tor Sonia Poli is called Veg­e­tal Gra­di­ant. It’s made from paper and mount­ed in an embroi­dery frame. Sonia writes:

While fol­low­ing my path through the paper col­lage world and I sim­ply came up with this. Tired of frames, I want­ed my col­lage to act more like a sculp­ture. After play­ing around with fish for my pre­vi­ous exhi­bi­tion, I used the same tech­nique (gra­di­ent from navy blue to a lighter/brighter col­or) for anoth­er favorite thing of mine, leaves.

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