Artist / Illustration

Sophie Roach


Sor­ry for the radio silence this week. I was busy prep­ping for my MFA the­sis talk! It’s over now and I’m one step clos­er to graduating.

I dis­cov­ered the work of Sophie Roach because she fol­lowed my Twit­ter account for eyra. She has some intense draw­ings that are extreme­ly detailed. I love get­ting lost in her images. Her site allows for a full screen look at her draw­ings, and I say do it! You need it.

Sophie includes a lot of non-rep­re­sen­ta­tion­al shapes in her work that take on their own per­son­al­i­ty. There is some rep­e­ti­tion with­in the images. Doing this cre­ates some expec­ta­tion and visu­al orga­ni­za­tion in them, which is help­ful giv­en the amount of detail.

All images via her Tum­blr.




