Collage / Illustration

Charming Cut Paper Illustrations Strike a Balance of Bold and Intricate

Stephanie Wunderlich

Illus­tra­tor Stephanie Wun­der­lich com­pos­es charm­ing scenes from cut paper. The styl­ized fig­ures, land­scapes, and objects occu­py com­po­si­tions like a Cubist paint­ing, bal­anc­ing shapes and tex­tures in one eye-pleas­ing way. Despite their sim­plic­i­ty, Stephanie cre­ates a lot of depth and pep­pers her work with intri­cate details—look close­ly and you’ll see that there are tiny folds in shirts, bar­rettes in hair, and laces on shoes.

(The above illus­tra­tion recent­ly appeared in my week­ly hel­lo (newslet­ter)!)

Stephanie Wunderlich

Stephanie Wunderlich

Stephanie Wunderlich

Stephanie Wunderlich

Stephanie Wunderlich

Stephanie Wunderlich

Stephanie Wunderlich

Stephanie Wunderlich

Stephanie Wunderlich


Stephanie Wunderlich

Stephanie Wunderlich