Artist / Illustration

Studio Visit // Elena Johnston

Last week­end I had the delight of meet­ing with Ele­na John­ston, an artist based in my home city of Bal­ti­more. Upon meet­ing her, I was instant­ly excit­ed by not only her work and work space, but beau­ti­ful, light-filled apart­ment (and her cat). Her home is nes­tled in a neigh­bor­hood with some beau­ti­ful old hous­es, like this one: 


A cou­ple of weeks pri­or, I sent Ele­na the first half of a col­lab­o­ra­tive piece, with the inten­tion of a real-life Art Togeth­er project. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, I for­got to doc­u­ment my half, but here is what she came up with: 



My half most­ly con­sist­ed of the back­ground col­ors with a few shapes. Ele­na explained that my shapes gave her the inspi­ra­tion to try and mim­ic what I had done (in her own way of course). She also added that the back­ground col­ors remind­ed her of the Fall sea­son, which influ­enced some of the imagery used as well. 

Dur­ing my vis­it, the top­ic of sea­sons, mem­o­ries, and play came up in con­ver­sa­tion. Ele­na has been using col­lage in her work for about two years, using old mag­a­zines such as Nation­al Geo­graph­ic to drum up imagery. Some­times, she sim­ply cuts out tex­tures, oth­er times it is ele­ments from the spreads them­selves. I love Ele­na’s most recent paint­ings, which are a com­bi­na­tion of both col­lage and paint­ing with acrylic ink. They are bright and live­ly, with a feel­ing of ease about them. 



Ele­na told me the col­or of her walls are the same col­or she had in her room grow­ing up.

The base of this piece was made by rub­bing a rough paper (out of an old paper-sam­ple book­let) onto the paper used in painting.

A cou­ple of pieces that Ele­na has com­plet­ed recent­ly. A zine and the album cov­er for Adven­ture.

We dis­cussed how the act of exper­i­men­ta­tion and play is impor­tant in any artis­tic prac­tice. Near the end of our time spent togeth­er, she showed me col­lages that she had cre­at­ed with oth­ers. Their process is sim­ple as flip­ping through old mag­a­zines and cut­ting out shapes and pat­terns. But, as we both agreed, the new ideas that can be dis­cov­ered from these exer­cis­es is priceless. 



Ele­na is cur­rent­ly work­ing on a new body of work that she hopes to show this sum­mer. She is also work on a music project, BAMBOO, with Jor­dan Bernier (pre­vi­ous­ly fea­tured on Brown Paper Bag!) 

I am jeal­ous of that flat file. Thanks Ele­na, for let­ting me visit!