Illustrated products / Illustration

In the Wonder Garden, Wander the World with 80 Illustrated Animals

A few weeks ago, I made a (very) short video about the book Alice’s Adven­tures in Won­der­land that gave you a brief intro­duc­tion to the awe­some illus­tra­tions that lie with­in. Well, I’ve made anoth­er video in that same vein—this time, we’re trav­el­ing through The Won­der Gar­den writ­ten by Jen­ny Broom and illus­trat­ed by Krist­jana S. Williams.

The book “opens the gates of the Won­der Gar­den” and takes us through five of Earth­’s habi­tats: the Ama­zon Rain­for­est; the Great Bar­ri­er Reef; the Chi­huahuan Desert; the Black For­est; and the Himalayan Moun­tains. Each of its 80 illus­trat­ed ani­mals are drawn with a tech­ni­cal hand and stun­ning atten­tion to detail—the tiny lines are rem­i­nis­cent of old sci­en­tif­ic engrav­ings. This vin­tage feel, how­ev­er, is off­set by the bold neon col­ors that per­me­ate the pages. The hues put a con­tem­po­rary spin on the entire thing.

These are some of my favorite spreads, below. When you read this book, get ready to LEARN. There’s a lot of infor­ma­tion packed in those pages.

The Wonder Garden by Jenny Broom and illustrated by Kristjana S Williams

The Wonder Garden by Jenny Broom and illustrated by Kristjana S Williams

The Wonder Garden by Jenny Broom and illustrated by Kristjana S Williams

The Wonder Garden by Jenny Broom and illustrated by Kristjana S Williams

The Wonder Garden by Jenny Broom and illustrated by Kristjana S Williams

The Wonder Garden by Jenny Broom and illustrated by Kristjana S Williams

The Wonder Garden by Jenny Broom and illustrated by Kristjana S Williams

The Wonder Garden by Jenny Broom and illustrated by Kristjana S Williams

The Wonder Garden by Jenny Broom and illustrated by Kristjana S Williams

The Wonder Garden by Jenny Broom and illustrated by Kristjana S Williams

The Wonder Garden by Jenny Broom and illustrated by Kristjana S Williams