Lately & Liked

Things I’ve Seen Lately & Liked

Helle Jorgensen

A dis­card­ed tapes­try wool hat by Helle Jor­gensen.

Aside from the gen­er­al art/illustration things I see and like each week, I also real­ly like tat­toos, food, and acces­sories. They are all pinned on my Pin­ter­est, which is where a lot of the things in this post orig­i­nate. I always love see­ing peo­ple’s Pin­ter­est boards; Like Insta­gram, you can real­ly tell a lot about some­one’s tastes and per­son­al­i­ty from what they pin.

Hap­py weekend!


I love this beau­ti­ful tat­too. I bet it hurt! (As some­one who also has a tat­too on their thigh).


All of these donuts are drool-wor­thy. The cocoa puffs on the mid­dle donuts is an excel­lent idea!

Millie Marotta PatternMillie Marotta Pattern Millie Marotta Pattern

Pat­terns by Mil­lie Marot­ta. There are many more on her blog.

Emily Barletta


Emily Barletta Emily Barletta

Embroi­dery on paper by Emi­ly Bar­let­ta.

hardgraft hardgraft2 hardgraft3

I love the leather and felt­ed goods of hard graft. Also, if you love web design, check out their site!

The WoodlandsGreat Amer­i­can Flask by Jacob Bromwell Co. via The Woodlands.