Time Travel Tuesday

Time Travel Tuesday: Saul Bass Movie Title Sequences

The Title Design of Saul Bass from Ian Albinson on Vimeo.

Title sequences, in a  way, sum up the film for us before it even begins. Good ones, cap­ture the essence of the movie, often con­cep­tu­al­ly reflect­ing on the tone or mood for what we’re about to watch. Saul Bass, an Amer­i­can graph­ic design­er, is rec­og­nized as one of the great title sequence design­ers. He cre­at­ed over 50 sequences dur­ing his career, includ­ing Ver­ti­go, one of my favorite films!

H/T to Maria of Brain Pick­ings for the top video. (Also: Do you fol­low Brain Pick­ings on Twit­ter? If not, you real­ly should.) 

Watch some of them in full over at this Youtube playlist. Check out the stills on Chris­t­ian Annyas’ site.