Time Travel Tuesday

Time Travel Tuesday: The Shock of the New

The Shock of the New is a BBC tele­vi­sion pro­gram that was pro­duced in 1980’s. Nar­ra­tive by Aus­tralian-born art crit­ic Robert Hugh­es, it address­es the devel­op­ment of mod­ern art start­ing with the Impressionists.

I haven’t watched all of the 8 episodes (yet), but I have enjoyed them so far. They are a good refresh­er if it has been awhile since you’ve tak­en a for­mal art his­to­ry class, or, bet­ter yet, not ever tak­en an art his­to­ry class.


Not so old, but still worth a watch is PBS Off Book. It appears exclu­sive­ly on You Tube and talks about trends in art, design, and inter­net cul­ture. The videos aren’t that long so it’s easy to binge on them! As some­one who spends a major­i­ty of her time in front of the com­put­er, I find these top­ics inter­est­ing and rel­e­vant to the things I’m think­ing about.