Time Travel Tuesday

Time Travel Tuesday — vintage stamps around the world


Image via Cot­ton and Flax.

Last week, Lisa and I were the vil­lains of the post office. We had over 50 parcels to mail for our Kick­starter cam­paign, and were at the front counter for the bet­ter part of an hour putting stamps on envelopes with prints. There was only one per­son work­ing while the line was out the door. Though tedious and stress­ful, it real­ly got me think­ing about how much I enjoy stamps and the pos­si­bil­i­ties that this tiny can­vas allows for design and illustration.

I’ve real­ly enjoyed look­ing at col­lec­tions of vin­tage stamps on the inter­webs. Some depict famous lead­ers, oth­ers birds and archi­tec­ture. Either way, it is inter­est­ing to see the dif­fer­ent exe­cu­tions of the same thing.



Image via Grain Edit.


Image via Cot­ton and Flax.

stamps3Image via Present & Cor­rect. (One of my favorite sites!)

Image via Ming Cheng.


Image via August Empress.