
Tiny Monsters Around Your Neck by Min Pin

Min Pin

Mel­bourne-based design label Min Pin is the hand­i­work of Pen­ny Min Fer­gu­son. Her love of weird and awe­some things means that she’s cre­at­ed a series of shrink-plas­tic and met­al neck­laces. Dinosaurs, snakes, ghosts, and even Big­foot hang around your neck! They’ve got a great style that would com­ple­ment any out­fit. Col­ors are bright, but not too bright. There are details like sim­ple, almond-shaped eyes, but they aren’t too dis­tract­ing. Per­son­al­ly, I’m lov­ing that yel­low-green­ish Bigfoot.

If you like this, check out the work of Cat Rab­bit Plush. She’s also a Aus­tralian crafter who makes amaz­ing, quirky animals.

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Now, these aren’t neck­laces, but I had to include these purs­es, too:
