Illustrated products / Painting

Cassie Byrnes Explores Her “Weird Side” With Beautifully Bold Clothing

Variety Hour by Cassie Byrnes

Beau­ti­ful sur­face design can trans­form ordi­nary objects into func­tion­al works of art. Mel­bourne-based design­er and illus­tra­tor Cassie Byrnes high­lights this in her label Vari­ety Hour, a print-focused endeav­or that’s an out­let for her to “get as weird as she wants” and to exper­i­ment with new, crazy ideas. Each sea­son, she hand-crafts a col­lec­tion of prints that are then applied to cloth­ing, scarves, clutch­es and more.

Fol­low Cassie on Insta­gram to see beau­ti­ful col­ors, pat­terns, and works in progress. (via The Design Files).
Variety Hour by Cassie Byrnes

Variety Hour by Cassie Byrnes

Variety Hour by Cassie Byrnes

Variety Hour by Cassie Byrnes

Variety Hour by Cassie Byrnes

Variety Hour by Cassie Byrnes

Variety Hour by Cassie Byrnes

Variety Hour by Cassie Byrnes

Variety Hour by Cassie Byrnes