Lately & Liked

10 Cute Things Just for You, on Friday

What makes some­thing cute? Is it the size? The mate­r­i­al? The con­tent? Obvi­ous­ly, it’s a sub­jec­tive term that varies from per­son to per­son.  To me, some­thing that is small, col­or­ful, and occa­sion­al­ly cud­dly is adorable. Some peo­ple might think oth­er­wise. Here are 10 of ’em for your Fri­day. Enjoy!

Sriracha sauce bottle via HermanMarie

Sriracha sauce bot­tle via Her­man­Marie

Mini sloth! via Mount Royal Mint

Mini sloth! via Mount Roy­al Mint

Liz Boyd, via Chronicle Books.

Liz Boyd, via Chron­i­cle Books.

I just bought one of these adorable kitties from Silver Lining Ceramics!

I just bought one of these adorable kit­ties from Sil­ver Lin­ing Ceram­ics!