BPB Projects

New Landscapes: 6 Works from the Collage Scrap Exchange (!!!)

Ya’ll. As the Col­lage Scrap Exchange (#col­lage­con­test) rolls on to its Feb­ru­ary 15th dead­line, I’ve already received fin­ished pieces! Here are some of my favorites so far.

For all of those still work­ing on your col­lages (or even wait­ing on scraps), no wor­ries. You have plen­ty of time, and I’m look­ing for­ward to see­ing your inter­pre­ta­tion of New Land­scapes!

AND: Don’t for­get to Tweet, Insta­gram, or FB your Col­lage Scrap Exchange using the hash­tag #col­lage­con­test!

Danielle Krysa

Sight See­ing by Danielle Krysa

Danielle Krysa

Mes­sages From Blanche by Danielle Krysa

Danielle, AKA The Jeal­ous Cura­tor, had a real­ly cool sto­ry about this above piece. She explains:

mes­sages from blanche is about my grand­moth­er, blanche — that’s a pho­to of her the year my mom was born. right before she died she told my mom that her spir­it was pink. after she died real­ly strange pink relat­ed things start­ed hap­pen­ing… my mom’s white rhodo­den­dren (sp?!) bush bloomed one pink flower, in novem­ber!!!, and it stayed there for one month. i had a lit­tle red rose bush on my bed­side table that hadn’t bloomed in 4 years. it threw one pink bud and it stayed there for a month before it dropped. so… this piece is about those “pink” mes­sages. lucy had includ­ed that amaz­ing lit­tle fold­ed paper enve­lope in her scraps so i HAD to use it 😉

And, bet­ter yet? “That house in the enve­lope is the house I lived in when I was lit­tle,” she writes.

Christina Marie Phelps

Christi­na Marie Phelps