
Alison Rutsch


I was recent­ly inter­viewed by Fish Indie, and one of their ques­tions asked my advice for aspir­ing artists who want to get their work fea­tured on blogs (like this one). I said that you have to put your work out there. I get so bogged down with emails that it can take me months to review them. But, I always have a tab open for Tum­blr, Twit­ter, and Pin­ter­est. So, I would rec­om­mend to any­one: get on social media! Espe­cial­ly things with a “fol­low” button.

That being said, I found the work of  Ali­son Rutsch through Insta­gram that was post­ed on Twit­ter. She’s about to grad­u­ate from RISD with her degree in illus­tra­tion. Ali­son has a cou­ple of ways of work­ing: a style that incor­po­rates a lot of out­line, and anoth­er that is more painter­ly with col­or block­ing. While I enjoy all of her work,  I pre­fer the out­lines. There are so many love­ly details that she cap­tures that get lost otherwise.

All images via her web­site.



