Illustrated products

Amelia’s Colorful Coloring Companion Featuring 40 Artists Across the World

My 7 Illus­trat­ed Prod­uct Obses­sions will return next week! In the mean­time, let’s talk about Ameli­a’s Col­or­ful Col­or­ing Com­pan­ion. This is a beau­ti­ful­ly-illus­trat­ed book that’s in keep­ing with the adult col­or­ing craze. 40 artists from across the world have cre­at­ed  unique and unusu­al illus­tra­tions that are per­fect for some tran­quil col­or­ing time.

The imagery is diverse and includes jun­gle scenes, urban envi­ron­ments, psy­che­del­ic views of the ocean, and much more.  This diverse­ness came from an open brief to illus­trate a dou­ble page spread for the book: a full-col­or image is on the left-hand side, while a black-and-white line draw­ing occu­pies the right. The two illus­tra­tions are sim­i­lar (but not the same), and the col­ored side offers inspi­ra­tion for how to tack­le the right.

Want to score this book for your­self? You’re in luck! Amelia is rais­ing the funds for pro­duc­tion via Kick­starter. At the time of writ­ing, you’ve got 3 days to pre-order your copy for deliv­ery in December.

If you’ve long been a fan of illus­tra­tion, the name Amelia might ring a bell. She’s the lady behind Ameli­a’s Mag­a­zine, which has been around for 11 years, first in print and now online. The Col­or­ing Com­pan­ion will be her fourth self-pub­lished illus­tra­tion book.

Amelia's Colorful Coloring Companion

Amelia's Colorful Coloring Companion




Using the hash­tag Insta­gram #ameliasc­cc, you can an exam­ple of col­ored pages. So many possibilities!