
Andre Levy’s “Tales You Lose” Paints “Adventure Time” on a Coin

andre levy

Coins are pret­ty neat look­ing, if you ask me; I love all of their lit­tle idio­syn­crasies. Ger­man-based design­er Andre Levy has paint­ed smat­ter­ing of cur­ren­cies in his series Tales You Lose (clever title!). He does­n’t just col­orize the por­traits already on coins, but paints fig­ures in pop­u­lar cul­ture on these small objects. More about his series:

We are con­stant­ly sur­round­ed by pop fig­ures – in films, in music, comics, and even in gos­sip mag­a­zines. They are some­times our escape from real­i­ty, our fan­tasies. Coins por­tray some­thing oppo­site: the real, the everyday. 

​This project is about indi­vid­ual expres­sion in oppo­si­tion to mas­si­fied think­ing, about how our per­son­al pas­sions are more wor­thy than things that are imposed to us. The paint brings to the faces of kings and pres­i­dents bor­rowed nar­ra­tives from oth­er famous char­ac­ters and unleash indi­vid­ual alter­na­tive stories.

Check out the Tales You Lose web­site for me. There are so many good coins on there!

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