
Graphite Drawings That Only Make Us More Curious About The “City”

Illustration by Anja Sušanj

Ear­li­er this fall, Anja Sušanj shared a series called City, based on a book by Alessan­dro Bar­ic­co. The text influ­enced her great­ly through the years, and was part of the inspi­ra­tion for these draw­ings. “City is also the name of my grad­u­a­tion project that tries to recre­ate the mys­te­ri­ous and whim­si­cal world of Gould, a child genius,” she explains.

The sur­re­al illus­tra­tions are cre­at­ed with graphite, and they’re are a beau­ti­ful use of the mate­r­i­al. Through her line work and shad­ing Anja has com­mu­ni­cat­ed move­ment and dra­ma, as peo­ple stand in fish­bowls, nav­i­gate through the stom­ach, and wear a house around their head. Each is intrigu­ing and begs a clos­er look.

Illustration by Anja Sušanj

Illustration by Anja Sušanj

Illustration by Anja Sušanj

Illustration by Anja Sušanj

Illustration by Anja Sušanj

Illustration by Anja Sušanj