BPB Projects

Whimsical Illustrated Guide Aquaints You with 100 Famous Redheads

How often do you see a red­head­ed per­son walk­ing down the street? Prob­a­bly not that much—people with this hair col­or account for less than 2% of the pop­u­la­tion. Illus­tra­tor Eliz­a­beth Grae­ber cel­e­brates these rare indi­vid­u­als in her book A Field Guide to Red­heads. The petite hard­bound book fea­tures 100 famous red­heads (real and fic­tion­al) that run the gamut from straw­ber­ry to gin­ger to auburn to amber. Plus, Elizabeth—a red­head herself—has includ­ed some bak­ing recipes and cock­tails, as well as facts about this stun­ning hair color.

I received a copy and had a lot of fun pour­ing through it. To give you an idea of the delight­ful, ener­getic illus­tra­tions, I made a short video that fea­tures near­ly all of Eliz­a­beth’s inky portraits.

Here’s an even better look at the cover and several spreads:

"A Field Guide to Redheads" by Elizabeth Graeber

"A Field Guide to Redheads" by Elizabeth Graeber

"A Field Guide to Redheads" by Elizabeth Graeber

"A Field Guide to Redheads" by Elizabeth Graeber

"A Field Guide to Redheads" by Elizabeth Graeber

"A Field Guide to Redheads" by Elizabeth Graeber

"A Field Guide to Redheads" by Elizabeth Graeber

"A Field Guide to Redheads" by Elizabeth Graeber

"A Field Guide to Redheads" by Elizabeth Graeber