Artist / Paper Craft

Silhouettes by Eugenia Zoloto Transform Oridinary Portraits into Splendorous Nature Scenes

Eugenia Zoloto

Using an X‑Acto knife and some care­ful cut­ting, Ukraine-based artist Euge­nia Zolo­to cre­ates intri­cate sil­hou­ettes out of twist­ing vines, beau­ti­ful blooms, and winged insects. The large, lacy portraits—around 15 inch­es by 11 inches—look stun­ning against a range of back­drops (check out the vibrant green grass, below). Some of them are now avail­able in Euge­ni­a’s Etsy shop, where you can frame them how­ev­er you like.

Eugenia Zoloto

Eugenia Zoloto



