
Frau Isa’s Strange Illustrations are Fun Visual Puzzles

Frau Isa

These illus­tra­tions by Frau Isa are so delight­ful­ly weird—I don’t know what to make of them. The acrylic paint­ings fea­ture a sin­gle female fig­ure sur­round­ed by a myr­i­ad of seem­ing­ly dis­parate objects and ani­mals. It’s fun to try and con­nect the dots and fig­ure out how they all come togeth­er. I, for one, can only enjoy my tea with a dag­ger by my side.

Look­ing for an inspir­ing Insta­gram? Fol­low Isa!

Frau Isa

Frau Isa

Frau Isa

Frau Isa

Isa also paints murals, too!

Frau Isa

Frau Isa
