Lately & Liked

Friday Roundup: Pineapples I’ve Seen Lately and Liked

Pineap­ples are my favorite fruit to eat, but are my least favorite to pre­pare to con­sume.  The sticky juice runs all over my counter, and that does not make me a hap­py camper. So, if you want my heart, all it takes is a pre-cut pineap­ple. Kid­ding! (Sor­ta.)

Any­ways, here’s my week­ly round up. If haven’t already guessed, it’s pineap­ple themed! I per­son­al­ly own the pineap­ple pouch above. The rest of these things? I wish I did.

Have a love­ly Fri­day and week­end! See ya’ll on Monday.


Vintage brass pineapple containers and mirror via The White Pepper Etsy

Vin­tage brass pineap­ple con­tain­ers via The White Pep­per Etsy


Tropical fruit and pineapple stockings by Strathcona Stockings

Trop­i­cal fruit and pineap­ple stock­ings by Strath­cona Stockings

Pineapple card by Katie Barrie

Pineap­ple card by Katie Bar­rie

Shabd Simon-Alexander's plant-filled apartment + pineapple. Via Design Sponge.

Shabd Simon-Alexan­der’s plant-filled apart­ment + pineap­ple. Via Design Sponge.

I've been pining over a bar cart FOREVER. Love this one, via Lattes and Lavender

I’ve been pin­ing over a bar cart FOREVER. Love this one, via Lattes and Lavender