Illustrated products

My Weekly 7 Illustrated Product Obsessions


1. Fly­ing Wiener Dog with Rain­bow Wood­en Brooch by Danadamki
2. Cat Ring Dish­es by Bolden
3. Hap­py Flo­ral socks by Woven Pear
4. Dala Horse Nap­kin Hold­er by Design Ate­lier Article
5. Ceram­ic Cac­tus by Vish­nevsky’s Socks (H/T Gems)
6. 2016 Cal­en­dar by Papio Press
7. Swan Brooch by Lou Tay­lor, sold at Howkapow

As I say every Fri­day, hap­py week­end! With Hal­loween fast approach­ing, I’m going to spend some time get­ting my cos­tume togeth­er. This adorable chil­dren’s cos­tume is my inspiration:


I bought all of the felt I’ll need and found help­ful flower tuto­ri­als… so now it’s just form­ing all of the blooms and attach­ing them to a green hood. Hope­ful­ly it’ll look as good as that kid’s costume.